Why You Should Visit the Dentist Every Year

Maintaining regular dental appointments is essential for protecting oral health; learn why visiting the dentist every year is important for overall health.

Why You Should Visit the Dentist Every Year

Maintaining a regular dental appointment schedule is essential for protecting your oral health. We all know that going to the dentist is important, but how often should you go? The general rule of thumb is that you should visit your dentist every six months. Studies have shown that people without any problems can go once a year, while those with dental issues should have a checkup every three to four months. Here are some guidelines to help you determine how often your teeth should be checked.

While it's true that visiting the dentist twice a year is a good rule of thumb for many people, the truth is that everyone has their own unique smile needs. Therefore, it depends on your oral hygiene, habits, and individual medical conditions. Most of us know that visiting a dentist regularly is essential for having a healthy mouth, but how many of us actually go? 42% of American adults admit they don't go to the dentist as often as they would like, and 15% said they made their last appointment because they were in pain. How often should you go to the dentist and why is it so important? Read on to learn how often you should have a dental checkup and cleaning, and how this benefits your overall health. It's a standard recommendation in the U.

S. dental profession that both children and adults should visit the dentist every six months for a cleaning and oral exam. Many dental insurance companies cover two check-ups per year, and this frequency allows dental professionals to detect any problems while they are still small and affordable to treat. Fluctuating pregnancy hormones may put expectant mothers at greater risk of developing gum disease and tooth decay. Some anticancer drugs can dry out the mouth and put patients at greater risk for oral diseases.

Diabetes can contribute to oral and gum health problems. Tobacco use can cause gum disease and also make it difficult for the body to heal after dental procedures and oral surgery. Oral health is important when it comes to preventing heart disease, because bacteria from the mouth can reach the heart. People with poor oral health have higher rates of cardiovascular problems compared to people with a healthy mouth. Regular dental cleanings and checkups can lower the risk of developing heart disease.

If you meet any of the above criteria, you should inform your dentist. If you need to have X-rays, the dental hygienist will take them at the beginning of your appointment to give the dentist an opportunity to review them before examining your mouth. There are many benefits of dental cleaning. The hygienist will clean your teeth with scrapers and other dental instruments that gently remove plaque and tartar from dental surfaces and just below the gumline. Then, your teeth will be polished with a paste and floss between your teeth. Your hygienist may alert you to areas that need a little more attention when cleaning your teeth.

They can also tell you the right way to brush and floss your teeth. Before examining your teeth and gums, your dentist may first perform an oral cancer screening test. It involves examining the palate, tongue, throat, inside of the cheeks, and other parts of the oral cavity for any signs of cancer. They will also feel the outside of the jaw and throat for any abnormalities. The dentist is often the first line of defense when treating oral cancer, as they are likely to find it before another doctor.

This is one of the reasons why regular dental checkups are so important. Oral cancer can spread rapidly, and early detection is vital to treat it. Your dentist will then examine your teeth for any type of cavities, cracks, chips, and other damage that may require repair. The dental hygienist helps them trace any teeth that require treatment. Fillings and other dental work don't last forever, so the dentist checks their condition during an exam.

They will make recommendations for a new filling, crown or bridge if the current one no longer maintains a strong and healthy tooth. The dentist will also check the condition of your gums for any signs of gingivitis (the early stage of gum disease) or periodontitis (the later stages). Gingivitis can be stopped and reversed with proper home oral care and regular dental cleanings, but periodontitis requires specialized treatment from a periodontist. Sticking to your regular dental check-ups and cleanings is all about preventive care.

Treating oral problems during their early stages is less expensive and requires less time in the dentist's chair compared to just going to the dentist when you're in pain. Your dental team can also determine if you are doing a good job with your oral hygiene at home or if you need to intensify it. Your oral health can affect your overall health, so visiting your dentist regularly should be as natural as seeing your primary care doctor for checkups. Now that you know how often you should visit your dentist, have you been late for a checkup? You really want to prevent plaque from turning into tartar, which is where dental appointments come in.

Even the most skilled toothbrush and floss cannot remove tartar on their own. Beyond that, going to the dentist regularly can help keep more than just your teeth healthy. Signs of several conditions such as diabetes and anemia sometimes appear in your mouth; if your dentist notices something wrong during a visit they can refer you to a specialist for examination. Once you reach this point it's officially gum disease; only at this point is there likely to be swelling, bleeding or pain in your mouth.

Along with rupture of gum tissue, gum disease also causes a rupture of the bone that holds teeth in place; at this point it's common to see teeth loosen or fall out completely and a dental specialist will need to take over.

Morris Delucian
Morris Delucian

Coffee fan. Wannabe twitter ninja. Evil web aficionado. Wannabe beer fan. Award-winning bacon specialist.

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